Honorine de Brabant Striped Rose
One of my favorite striped roses is the old-fashioned shrub rose Honorine de Brabant. She started life unfairly squashed into a shady garden, rudely kept in place by a wooden cage. Then she enjoyed sunnier times in the Dog-Path Garden over the water race.

Honorine de Brabant
Upon being shifted to the airy spaces over the water race she rewarded me with strong growth and beautiful blooms. It's quite simple really - all a 'regal and temperamental' rose requires (the quote comes from my big rose book) is fresh air and sunshine.
The Best Striped Rose
I bought Honorine de Brabant originally on the advice of a trendy garden magazine who claimed this was the best striped rose. I'm glad I took notice, way back then.

Honorine de Brabant
Honorine de Brabant could well be one of the most historic old-fashioned roses I grow in the Moosey garden. She's a good Bourbon, non-alchoholic of course! My rose book says she is one of the most popular roses in the whole world.

Honorine de Brabant
Blast! I thought she was happy, growing well, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, and so on. But over the years she became weaker and weaker. I did a tough-love prune. Oops. RIP, pretty striped rose.
A few years later...
The Hump Garden (sunny, open spaces, lots of enriching organic matter on the soil) soon became my go-to garden for roses, and I dug out quite a few sulkers and replanted them there. Tempted to replace Honorine, I ordered one from an online nursery.
She's in the sunny front part of the Hump Garden, and so far so good. Though if she grows as fat and wide as my original did, I'm in trouble!