Bright Red Rhododendron
This is one of my bargain bin rhododendron specials, glowing red in the late-spring sunshine. It's planted over the water race in the back of the Dog-Path Garden between a variegated Dogwood and a red Maple tree.

Red Rhododendron
Since it came to me at a ridiculously low cost from a nursery bargain bin I've never known the rhododendron's name or how big it would eventually get. It's always seemed happy with the assorted shrubs and trees in the Dog-Path garden, but I've had to be careful of the nearby Viburnum Tinus shrubs. They'll try and crowd anything out!

Red Rhododendron with Maple and Dogwood
I've also pruned out limbs of neighbouring Pittosporums so that I can see this beautifully coloured rhododendron in flower from the other side of the water race. It's easy to miss these back-of-the-border plantings when the weather is dodgy and garden walks are often kept close to the house.
Identity unknown...
For the identification record, it flowers mid-season and is now head-high. And there's still enough room for any future growth.