Chatham Island Forget-Me-Nots
In the Apple Tree border there are some beautifully majestic Chatham Island Forget-me-nots (Myosotidium Hortensia). They arrived as small seedling plants, all blue flowering, and were planted here when this border was well shaded in summer.

Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not in Flower
Chatham Island Forget-me-nots have large shiny leaves, ribbed and shaped rather like some hostas. They are evergreen, and the flowers in spring are sky blue and white. In my garden they get quite a few spring blasts from the nor-west wind, and the flower stems can get blown down.
Sun or Shade?
I've seen Chatham Island Forget-me-nots grow to be waist high with leaves the size of dinner plates - mine are nowhere near that yet. Different garden writers claim that Chatham Island Forget-me-nots like different conditions of sun and moisture.

Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not
Recently I planted some more Chatham Island Forget-me-nots by the Sleep-out fence, and behind the woodshed. These spots should be more sheltered, moist enough, and sensibly shaded from the summer's hot sun. I'm hoping for fence-high plants next spring, and more chance to enjoy the blue flowers.
The Chatham Islands (if you're wondering) are windswept and cold, somewhere in the southern ocean below New Zealand.