Middle Garden's Green Cordylines
Basic green species Cordylines are favourites with me, though many New Zealand gardeners wouldn't agree. Cordylines are forever messy, shedding their old leaves. And they do need space to grow. The fibrous trunks are particularly popular with my gardening cats. I wonder why?

Fluff-Fluff up the Cordyline
Cordylines and summer flowering Hypericum are good summer neighbours on the edge of Duck Lawn. Over the years the Cordyline (Cabbage tree) has forked, forming many separate branches.

Cordyline (Two Trunks) in Summer 2003
The trunk of the original Cabbage Tree became very scruffy, I noticed it was also sprouting at the base, so I chopped off the main growth. I'm hoping that this new version might grow two trunks.
In this early photograph from the Moosey Archives, taken in 1999, you might be able to see the naughty Golden Hop behind the Cordyline. In this picture there's a small clump of Bergenias in front of the visible tree stump. Keep your eye on that stump.

Cordyline (One Trunk) in Summer 1999
This garden is well sheltered from wind, and gets quite sunny in summer. Shrubs like the Hypericum and the variegated Pittosporums love it here, and show their appreciation by reaching for the sky!