Flowering Choisya
Two shiny green-leafed Choisya shrubs dominate the Island Bed. Some years they'll flower in autumn as well as spring, and I've taken many basal cuttings from them to grow new shrubs.

Mexican Orange Blossom
Some gardeners consider Choisya rather boring. In New Zealand they are used a lot in council planting schemes, and a local McDonalds drive-thru uses Choisya shrubs for a hedge. But I've also seen them used by exclusive garden designers in private gardens in Paris... If they're easy to grow, then that's a good thing - isn't it?

Choisya and Dogwood
The above photograph shows the bigger of the Choisya shrubs in all its spring glory. The Dogwood tree behind is blossoming at the same time. It's such a pretty time of the year!