Duck Lawn in Autumn
Duck Lawn is one of the most peaceful lawns in the Moosey garden. Because of Rusty the dog it is now duckless, so a tired gardener and attendant cat can rest here without him barking and disturbing nature.

Duck Lawn in Autumn 2013
And there's no better time to enjoy Duck Lawn than in autumn, when the nearby oak trees are colouring bright red, and the grass is covered with bright red toadstools.

Duck Lawn in Autumn 2004
The above photograph of Duck Lawn was taken from the Hen House Garden in the autumn of 2004, peeping underneath one of the Oak trees. They were so much smaller then! The clean green flax leaves are balanced by the strappy leaves of the Cordyline across the grass.
From the Archives...
The Hen House Gardens looked far more mature than they actually were in the archive photograph below, taken in the autumn of 1999. New developments were to change the character of the borders. This photograph was taken from the path looking out to Duck Lawn and Middle Border in the distance. 1999's dog (Tajdog) was not a duck-chaser.

Duck Lawn in Autumn 1999
The Oak trees continue to grow, and as they do the plantings underneath change. Roses get shifted in and out. Nothing stays the same in a garden...