The Moosey Plant Nursery
The Moosey Garden is at the horticultural crossroads. My nursery systems are seriously flawed, and far too random. I am fast turning into a re-active rather than a pro-active glass-house potterer. It's time to wake up - and smell the roses?
Gardening Relationships
The problem is my relationship with my glass-house. I need to think ahead more - sort out more seeds, organise more cuttings, pot up seedlings of Pittosporums two year before I need them, and so on. In fact I need a Moosey Nursery Strategic Plan. My glass-house needs to become the heart of the Moosey Garden, not just a place I sometimes visit when it's too cold to do anything else.

Wallflowers from Cuttings
Get Organised!
Where's the intelligence in remembering mid-summer how much I like Nepeta Six Hills Giant, for example? I should be nurturing new plants of this great perennial in spring. And, talking of spring, I love my feeble collection of flowering and fragrant wallflowers - I should be organised for massed plantings of these beautiful short lived plants.
Gardening Imagination
And imagining rows of pots of my favourite variegated pelargonium is easy - how about actually producing enough of these for once? One year I created the beautiful French rural courtyard look, with pelargoniums in pots in front of the Stables. Why not every year?
Another year I actually achieved my first and only massed planting - they were the big leaf Peppermint Pelargoniums, and they were stunning. Of course the frost cut them all down before I did.

Favourite Seed Sown Blue Pansies
And wouldn't it be nice if I actually produced enough seedling pansies to fill all the gaps that they'd look lovely in? Blue pansies are the perfect mass planted plant. They look gorgeous. I know this!
Too Much Time Spent on Maintenance?
You see, all I've been doing for the last weeks - or is it months? - is garden maintenance. I'm still not sure if I'm catching up. There are garden areas which haven't been cleared for years. I haven't had any time for a glass-house visit.
I'm discovering outgrown shrubs, hopeless weed patches, seedling trees which have taken over the skyline. I seem to be paying for past planting and gardening sins, rather than thinking ahead. And to successfully think ahead, I meed to be producing lots of new plants to think with, if that makes any sense.
The New Moosey Nursery Plan
I need a calm, serious, timetabled plan to give the Moosey Garden Nursery the stature it deserves. I shall proudly call it the New Moosey Non-Random Nursery Strategy for Growing Plants Sensibly. I will produce enough pottles of blue pansies to fill all the dead spots in my spring garden! I will start cuttings of favourite Hebes, ready to plant in three years time. I will look ahead!

Perennials in the Glass-House
Right! Action! I'm off to clean up the glass-house!