2012 Moosey Calendars
This archive page contains my original 2012 calendars. The Moosey Garden is in the Southern Hemisphere, where mid-summer comes at Christmas time. So the calendars have always had a good excuse to get their seasonal images upside down. For 2012 I even included two beautiful autumn pictures. Winter was been totally banned...
My New Zealand Garden
The Moosey calendars should show off the special flavour of my New Zealand garden, with its Phormiums, Cordylines, and garden gnomes. But I also grow roses, and can never resist a couple of rosy pages. You will enjoy beautifully mowed lawns and fabulously weeded borders - well, that's the theory! The cats and the dog will naturally pop into a couple of pictures, and you can meet one of my strangest acquisitions ever - a set of concrete cricketers, playing backyard cricket on the lawn.

2012 Moosey Garden Calendar
Free Download
2012 Moosey Garden Calendar (PDF 70 MB)
2012 Moosey Garden Calendar - Twelve Months Only (PDF 29 MB)
2012 Moosey Garden Calendar - Covers Only (PDF 41 MB)
The Moosey cats featured in a brand new calendar for 2012. Even Little Mac the black and white kitten made it - just in time! There are twelve beautiful pictures of ginger boys Percy and Fluff-Fluff, Histeria the tabby, and the two grey cats Minimus and Lilli-Puss. Oh - mustn't forget Tiger the tortoiseshell, senior cat.

Moosey Cats Calendar for 2012
Free Download
2012 Moosey Cats Calendar (PDF 65 MB)
2012 Moosey Cats Calendar - Twelve Months Only (PDF 24 MB)
2012 Moosey Cats Calendar - Covers Only (PDF 40 MB)
Rusty the red Border Collie dog had yet another calendar full of his latest photographs. The front cover was rather indelicate, featuring his fluffy creamy-white dog-bottom!

2012 Moosey Dog Calendar
2012 Moosey Dog Calendar (PDF 36 MB)
2012 Moosey Dog Calendar - Twelve Months Only (PDF 23 MB)
2012 Moosey Dog Calendar - Covers Only (PDF 40 MB)
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