2018 Flowering Shrubs Calendar
Colourful flowers are a joy in a garden, and shrubs that work hard all year round can be so colourful when in bloom. My 2018 Moosey Flowering Shrubs Calendar features many of my favourites - particularly rhododendrons, which I adore.

2018 Flowering Shrubs Calendar
Like all my calendars, it's free for you to download, print, and enjoy. I so enjoy sharing my garden with others. Hope you'll see some of your favourites.
2018 Moosey Shrubs Calendar - Jan to June (PDF 1.5 MB)
2018 Moosey Shrubs Calendar - July to Dec (PDF 1.5 MB)
2018 Moosey Shrubs Calendar - covers (PDF 5 MB)
The calendars are split into three parts, and you might like to print off a page at a time for your noticeboard.