Old Calendars...

I've always loved sharing my garden with others, and I've always made personal calendars for my friends and family. It's a pity that old calendars aren't as easily recycled as old roses are! Printed calendars end up in the rubbish when they're out of date. What to do with the old Moosey ones?

As a lapsed mathematician I should be able to work out exactly when the days and the dates of the year will again coincide, so an old archive calendar can be trotted pit with just a change of year. OK. Mister Google - let's ask you...

The photographs in my old calendars are such a simple, instant record of that particular year, and they reflect the changes in the garden life. Puppies and kittens turn into dogs and cats, gardens get bigger and blousier, trees grow taller. Alas, the garden borders often look better when they were young and freshly planted. So sad!

For now, at least, I'm collecting up all the old calendars and filing them sensibly away. I'm recycling the most recent, replacing the old day-month tables. It's a labour of love, and I don't really want to throw anything out!