Wooden Patio Furniture

Patio Furniture in Springtime
The patio table and chairs were expertly made by Non-Gardening Partner a few years ago. I was oh so very proud. These would be the first of many pieces of amazing home-made garden furniture. I would be the envy of all my country gardening friends!
Excuses, Excuses...
Blast! The best laid plans of mice and older-lady gardeners go wrong. Especially when they involve a Non-Gardening Partner spending hours in a gloomy garage doing some woodworking. NGP has all the excuses - in winter it's too cold, in summer it's light and he really needs to take Rusty the dog for a cycle ride.
In the weekends he has a plethora of escape plans. Winter can mean skiing. At any time of the year he can suddenly need to drive the Moosey sheep into the front yards to clean their bottoms. Then there's the Hazelnut Orchard which takes up so much spare time, as he drives his tractor up and down the rows.
But his most cunning ruse to get out of building me more garden furniture is a simple question: 'Don't you want your lawns nicely mowed?' Of course I do. I always want my lawns mowed. Blast again! He wins!

Potted Pelargonium on Patio Table
It's just that his patio table and seats are so well made, and stylish, and original, and I love sitting on them. And, like the Head Gardener, they seem to weather well.

Head Gardener on Winter Patio
Oh dear. I'll just have to keep on with the charm and cross my fingers.