Frisbee Lawn Arch

The Frisbee Arch in Summer
The Frisbee Lawn Archway leads from the driveway through onto the Frisbee Lawn. It was originally planted with climbing Iceberg roses on each side. But somehow things didn't quite work out according to plan - a rather obese conifer got in the way...
These roses are no nonsense roses, pruned and deadheaded with the hedge-clippers. One Iceberg rose was already here when we arrived, terrorising the fence. On the opposite side of the arch I planted a cutting-grown Iceberg.
It's a little close to the lime conifer and is struggling in the drier soil. The conifer itself is gradually getting too big, and one day soon I will have to make a decision about its future.
Dry Sandy Soil
The plantings underneath this arch have to survive the very dry and sandy soil. In spring there are all shades and designs of blue and yellow pansies, as well as basic blue flowering geraniums, at the base of the rose. Spring daffodils, blue aquilegias and a red flax, or phormium, fill the rest of the space.
In summer, after Iceberg's first flush of flowers, the clumps of wine red daylilies start to flower. I cut the geranium foliage right back and within a month it has new fresh ferny growth. The Heuchera at the path edge and the neighbouring reddish brown tussock echo the wine colouring of the flax and the daylilies.

The Frisbee Lawn Arch - 2000
Then there's the second flush of rose flowers to look forward to. These later blooms are often pinker than the first flowers. The brown tussock grass glows with rich autumnal reds and gold.
Sheep vs Taj-Dog
The sheep used to be brought into the Frisbee Lawn to graze, and the archway would be blocked by a red portable electric fence. The first time it was put up Taj-dog decided to race in to check the sheep out. He came to a sudden shocking halt. He never made the same mistake again.
Frisbee Arch Update - 2008
Oh dear. Oh dear. First the Conifer has become far too large, and I've only pruned the bottom branches. The Iceberg rose (singular) looks rather distressed, and is hardly growing any more. No room, you see, for it to get the sun onto its flowers. What to do? Hmm...
Back Again in 2010
Right. The Frisbee Lawn Archway has been dealt to. Firstly, its huge, overpowering conifer. The hedge trimming man shaped it 'into a blob' (my instructions). Then I chopped the Iceberg climbing rose totally down to its root ball. The rose would get the shock of its life (or death?) and immediately send out new canes, thus reinventing itself as the lovely climbing rose it should be.

Frisbee Lawn Arch - 2010
And the results speak for themselves. It's a disgraceful look of a work-in-progress, but sound garden practice. And in a year's time the scars on the conifer will be invisible, and the Iceberg rose will celebrate the sun once again high up the archway. I promise!