Birthday Garden Mural
Some years ago I dug and planted a Birthday Rose Garden for Daughter of Moosey. Since then, rather than worry about posting birthday presents overseas, I've simply bought her new roses each year. But what's up for 2009? Hee hee... Time flits and zooms past in a busy garden, faster than the speediest sparrow, busier than the buzziest bumble bee. Now the Birthday Rose Garden is five years old. Hmm... What would Daughter of Moosey would like for her birthday (in other words, for her birthday garden) in 2009?
A Small Snag...
I struck a small snag. A tiny 'oops'. There simply wasn't any room for any more roses. Personally I blame the birthday peonies, but one cannot just dig gifts out willy-nilly and redistribute them to other parts of the garden. I'm still embarrassed remembering the fuss when I sneakily removed one of the Birthday Garden's standard Olive trees and shifted out the Bay tree. Oops.

Corner of the Birthday Mural
So for 2009 I've thought of something completely different, original, and deeply personal. Daughter of Moosey gets a visual treat - a Birthday Mural, with mountains, swirling smoke, korus, and flax leaves, artistically created on the back of the Stables building by Younger Son of Moosey. His vision and my wallet, combined in a most unique birthday present from the two of us.

The Birthday Mural
I do wonder if I've got away with this, though. The following conversation makes me suspicious.
Phone Conversation Between Moosey and Daughter
Moosey: (excited) 'Happy Birthday!'
Daughter: 'My birthday was last month, Mum.'
Moosey: (undaunted) 'No, no - your birthday present! I've sent you your present!'
Daughter: 'Do you mean you've finally posted my present?'
Moosey: 'No, no - I've e-mailed you some photographs. The video is a bit big to send.'
Moosey: 'You'll love it! It's at the back of your garden!'
Daughter is oddly silent.
Moosey (grovelling):'You see there wasn't enough room for any more roses because the peonies have spread out - but then they put on such a brilliant show in late spring, and I didn't want to weed out the self-sown Cornflowers because they fill up the gaps so nicely, and so I thought you might like a large painted mural...'
A profound silence. Hmm...

Camellias Behind the Stables
The tiny border in front is planted with special pink and white Camellias, with spiky foliage plants to echo the design of the mural. Nice!