St Giles Churchyard Garden

Town House by the Churchyard
The churchyard is behind St Giles Church in Camberwell, and gives Church Street its name. It is a typical urban English churchyard in many respects - including the two resident chaps drinking cans of something at 11 am, who mistook the Mooseys Country Garden paparazzi for mere tourists!
The churchyard is about the same size as a rugby pitch, with a path ringing a central grass lawn. The churchyards walls create seclusion and sanctuary - the traffic is audible but in the distance. The churchyard is the nearest bit of green space to where Bx and I live, which explains why it gets a whole directory of its own.
Spring Churchyard Garden...
- The churchyard is green with spring growth - grass, branches, headstones, leaves, walls and gates are all slick with moisture. Moosey would be impressed by the number and location of the benches and the views and sun offered here.
Saint Giles Church Rose Garden...
- An overcast but light day with a hint of spring in the air. A good day for garden photography.
Churchyard Garden Spring Daffodils...
- Spring Daffodils are out down at the St Giles Churchyard gardens, as are a few photo shy squirrels and a couple of families enjoying the last day of the easter holidays. Its heating up in London. The signs of spring are all around but the temperature could be a little kinder, Its not quite T-Shirt weather yet.
Churchyard Garden Tulips...
- I sensed a temporary break in the spring showers and managed an hour or so of photograpy down at St Giles Churchyard before rain forced me indoors. Some small Tulip and Petunia beds in front of the church are caught showing off a few raindrops. I love photographing flowers immediately after rain.