Spiral Brick Courtyard

Spiral Brick Courtyard - Winter
I created the spiral brick courtyard and path in the Dog-Path Garden in autumn, just after the big Christchurch earthquake. The space was airy and light, as the nearby Copper Beech tree was transitioning into leafless winter.
Spiral Koru Pattern
I loved trying to create the spiral Koru pattern, but my brick work was inexact and wobbly. This would symbolise the imperfections of city structures imposed on nature - or something like that!
I swept sand into the cracks, and privately thought it would all need relaying. But rain, plus two winter dumps of snow, seemed to have worked wonders on the brick stability.
Spring Daffodils
By spring the courtyard was such a pretty place to visit and sit near, ringed with bright yellow daffodils. Birds were having fun scuffing up the garden mulch, and I hung a broom in the Pittosporum so that sweeping could be done in the blink of a gardener's eye. I love the birds being busy in my garden
Brick Koru Courtyard
By late spring the Copper Beech tree was leafy again, and the courtyard had been transformed into a shady, secret place. Such a surprise! Surrounding green ferns had unfurled and looked amazing with the terracotta brick colour. A trio of new Golden celebration roses had been optimistically planted on the dark side - perhaps they're destined for a quick shift after summer. We'll see.

Koru Courtyard and Path
A quick update on those roses - they had to be moved out into a sunnier space. And in their place I've moved in some deciduous Azaleas which were fretting in full sun. An advantageous swap, methinks. And I've planted a ring of Agapanthus around the brick edge. I'm happy if these toughies don't want to flower - they'll stay evergreen in the shelter of the trees.

Gardener and Dog on Spiral Courtyard
The bricks came from a wall of Son of Moosey's house. Specifically, they came crashing down from the wall, luckily not injuring anybody, in the second earthquake.
Bless These Bricks...
In memory of that day my spiritual friend held a short ceremony to bless the courtyard in early winter. I cried, but that's OK.