Pots of Succulents

pots and pots of succulents
One winter I decided to become acquainted with succulents. I thought I would grow succulents in pots close to the house, so they could be out of the reach of frost. I didn't know much about anything, but I'd heard of sedums.
Assorted Sedums
Out came a mail order succulent catalogue, and in went my order for a collection of sedums. Assorted sedums duly arrived, and I threw away all the labels. Oops! But I wrote in my diary that my favourite was Sedum Adolphiii with its golden sunset coloured finger shaped leaves.
A seaside gardening friend had a feast of succulents growing happily in her frost-free garden. In fact many were almost given weed status in the coastal hills where she lives. I grabbed tops off the ones I liked, and added them to the group.

My Own Non-Spiral Aloe
Branching out, I then bought some Echeverias from a nursery. They were rather dramatically coloured (one was a gorgeous chocolate brown). Imagine my excitement when one flowered for the first time. Silly me had no idea that succulents flowered. This was a real bonus.

Bookcase Pots
Some thoroughly common Aeoniums, coloured red and green, arrived as cuttings. Into a pot they went, but unfortunately they didn't survive the first winter. My fault entirely - their pot wasn't in a sheltered position.
Succulent Shelves
To be better organised I built some shelves for my succulent pots collection, so they could all lean happily against the side of the house, sheltered from winter frosts.
But how much water do they need in high summer? Things get very hot some days, and those in the smaller plastic pots must roast! I try and remember to water them, and to clean up any fallen leaves.