Concrete Pots

Concrete Pot
The purchasing and placing of Garden Art requires an imaginative mind and eye - I'm not sure that I have either! But I do have the wallet, the trailer, and a large enough country garden.
A Lack of Garden Art
Until a few weeks ago Art in my garden was badly misrepresented by two crafty try-hards - a castle, and an embarrassingly rustic garden gnome. That was before I saw the 'light', at lunch in a cute nursery-cafe. Or rather, the 'heavy' - some gorgeous concrete pots.
I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so naturally I bought two. Sold stickers were duly stuck on them, and we returned the next day with sack-barrow and trailer.
Proper Pots
I love my new concrete pots. Both are decorated with lines of sea shells and waves of colour so subtle that they must be Art!
They are fully functional, proudly proper pots, and I've placed red weeping plants in each - a red fountain Cordyline and a red Maori Maiden Phormium. Simple and effective? I like to think so!
The Hidden Artist
I'm sure that with encouragement non-gardening partner could make me something similar. There's an artist hidden inside every good gardener, begging to be let loose...

Stones and Shells
I know - I could decorate the surface with meaningful family artifacts. I've got stones from scary daughter's first geology field trips, dreadlocks from the heads of both sons, kept in a shoe box in the pantry...

Artistic Detail
Or perhaps I should just stick to concrete gardening and leave concrete art to the real artists!