Variegated Elm Tree Garden
The variegated elm arrived at Mooseys in 2001 as a rather large tree. Firstly it was planted in the grass by the woodshed. I laid a circle of stones to show the shape of the new garden, and dug. But gardens grow, and slowly they change...

Variegated Elm Leaves
Almost immediately a well dug and planted garden appeared around it! Excess orange species daylilies (doubles) were given a permanent home, and the space between tree and fence was filled with several large Calamagrostis grasses.

The Elm Tree Garden - 2004
Some reject roses, a regulation red flax and a border edge of low perennials like Heuchera and Bergenias were added, and suddenly the new garden was organised. Well, I thought it was.

The Elm Tree Arrives - 2001
The tree was initially forgiven for suckering, and the whole garden seemed well balanced - and very pretty in the early photographs. You see, back then the garden was sunny enough for the daylilies.

Daylilies underneath the Variegated Elm
Update - July 2010
Ah - some gardens change, some gardens stay the same? No, nothing really stays the same over the years in my garden. Trees grow (particularly variegated Elm trees) and species daylilies spread and disappoint as the garden grows shadier. So the inherent 'style' of this small garden soon needed refreshing. The tree suckers became infuriating.
Poor Roses
The rose Raubritter, growing lankly through the elm, didn't get enough sun. Nor did the few other roses, poor things. They (Reine des Violettes, The Alexander Rose, and a scrawny Mutabilis) deserved better. And so this garden went on the list of 'must-have' garden makeovers.
A little Later On That Year...
Aha! The make-over did happen - I cleaned up the big grasses, chopped as many tree suckers as I could find, then planted four mature, heavily-pruned hydrangeas which I bought locally. The shrub roses were shifted into the sun at the edge. Then I had to wait to see what colours the hydrangeas would be. Nice work, you lovely semi-shade-loving shrubs!

Hydrangeas underneath the Elm Tree
Oh - I almost forgot. The species daylilies got a short reprieve (their double flowers were so pretty), and I dutifully dug the stragglers out of the lawn. But the garden location became more and more unsuitable for these sun-lovers. So in the autumn month of April, 2012, they went for a small ride in the wheelbarrow, moving on to a sunnier spot in the Allotment Garden. In their space I popped in more hydrangeas, rescued from sulking in pots. So the garden underneath the variegated Elm tree, super-shady in summer, is now finally planted with sensible shrubs. Phew!