A Tale Of Two Borders
These two garden borders - the Apple Tree Garden (on the right) and the Wattle Woods (on the left) both had New Zealand Phormiums planted at their end points. The snow storm in 2006 flattened the big brown flax, and I dug it out. More room for roses, hee hee...

Wattle Woods and Apple Tree Garden Borders - 2010
In this latest photograph it's spring. The two remaining Cream Delight flaxes are just that - delights! The evergreen tree on the right above the flax is a New Zealand Pseudopanax.

Wattle Woods and Apple Tree Garden Border - 2004
Below is an early archive photo of the narrow rising stretch of lawn which separates the two borders. I used the two flaxes as balancing accents on each side of the gap.

Wattle Woods and Apple Tree Garden Borders - 1998
I kept the gap in the grass between the two borders so that cars with trailers full of compost (for example) could drive through. But none ever has. Oops - perhaps it's just a tiny bit narrow...