No mosquitoes as yet
Side of the Cottage
The nice thing about these summer holiday weeks so far - no mosquitoes (yet) around the pond (too cold at night). So sitting at the table on the pond decking is very pleasant. As is my early morning cup of tea on the cottage verandah with uncovered ankles!
Two weeks of success...
A tiniest mention of my NYR25 - I am totally on track. Hair brushed every night, little things looked after, lots of non-gardening conversation with NGP, etc. Yeay! Have kept up my NYR25 for two weeks!
Last year's mess!
But I have to confess there's mess left on the Hump Garden path. Oops. Even if it's from last year. A few days ago a visitor wanted to look around this garden. I couldn't put her off - was a bit embarrassed at having to wobble over piles of rubbish.
- David THompson rose :
- David Thompson is a Canadian bred rugosa hybrid. He's just gorgeous.
And we struck a bigger problem - there was no room for path or people to wiggle between the rose David Thomson and the Miscanthus zebrinus.
Four hours later...
I've sorted the path loop behind the cottage, and filled the little pond with water. It looks so pretty. The path is edged with stones, the little bridge is cleared, the edges of the surrounding gardens are semi-cleared of gum bark and tree branches.
Garden Behind the Cottage
I am so proud. Am allowing myself a whole hour to sit and read my book.
Mary Rose
Have worked very hard these last days. Mary the Gardener is reblooming beautifully, as is Mary the rose. Summer gardening is easy. One just has to live in the moment and do it.
Summer gardening is easy. One just has to live in the moment and do it.