Below the Glass-House

 Sprouting madly again. I thought they had died.
Rugosa Roses

This afternoon I made a good start on the garden below the glass-house. It is so much sunnier now the big Wattles are down. Rugosa roses are sprouting madly. Weeds are waist-high. It is an exciting, vibrant area.

The path is cleared...

I sat down and cleared the path, weeding the small border on the glass-house side. Creeping Charlie will creep no more (well, maybe it will rest up for a few weeks at least). I barrowed out all my mess (three loads) and dumped it.

No planting, no digging...

No planting, no major digging out of anything (like the Toad Lilies). It was a great evaluation session, thorough and measured. Sounds impressive, though I didn't actually decide on anything. Amazing how much more cared for a garden area looks when the path is cleared, though. I love the way that my garden paths push through the greenery.

 See how clean the new glass window is, compared to the others!
Path Behind the Glasshouse

For my own information : Toad lilies (Tricyrtis) like consistent moisture. So the large patch beneath the glasshouse should be really happy. They like part shade, so I'll soon see if their new garden is too sunny for them.

 That is what I call them. Amazing detailed colours and design!
Flowering now - Toad Lilies

Meanwhile Non-Gardening Partner had been fixing the framing of my glass-house (which the fallen Wattle tree took out) and slowly replacing the glass panels. Two friends working side by side!

 By the Sleep-Out.
Hydrangea Quercifolia

That's for tomorrow!

After three hours I'd arrived at the corner of the glasshouse. Discovered a healthy carpet of weeds underneath the Camellias, just one type, not sure what it is, often turns up in garden areas that are cleared. That's for tomorrow!

Wednesday 8th January

It's raining again. Our summer weather is stuck in a queue of dribbly southerlies, one after another, cold enough for an extra duvet on the bed. More blessed rain for the garden, more time for the jigsaw (which I dreamt about last night).


How tough am I? Because the rain has stopped. I am jig-sawed out (it's a stinker, very challenging, lesser folk would have scooped it back into its box and moved onto a 500 piece cutie with kittens in baskets).

 They love the rain.
Happy lawn, happy Hydrngeas

I will change into my gardening clothes, make a hot cup of tea, and have a go. I can do this. It is supposed to be summer. I love being in my garden in summer...

Two and a half hours later...

What can I say? I cleared by the Pergola, then moved over to the glass-house and cleared underneath the Camellias.