Damp, muddy reality of winter

Have been thinking. I am going to try and record my winter garden in all its damp, brown splendour. Maybe take a few selfies of me in my drizzle-gardening clothes. Search out the beautiful winter things, celebrate the season for its damp, muddy reality.

Got ready early in a layer of merino with my gardening shorts on top. It was too cold to go gardening (five degrees Celsius), even if I kept moving to keep warm. Something I always forget about winter gardening. So I took some photographs, then scuttled back inside. Brr...

Three hours later - so which bits of me are cold and wet? Elbows, hands and wrists, feet, knees, and bottom. All the bits that stick out, hee hee. Memo to self - one cannot sit down inside, even on the dog couch, covered in wet mud (unless one is a dog). So I have changed my clothes and am ready to crow about my gardening triumphs.

Cleaning up the Apple Tree Border

I've been clearing the Apple Tree Border. Have removed a large species green Phormium (just the roots left to axe out), tidied up its neighbour (the beautiful striped Cream Delight), scooped up loads of mess, bagged up more leaves, even made a start pruning the Hydrangeas. Can't remember when I last did a good winter clean-up in here. Must check. Oops. May 2018! Aargh! No wonder it's such a mess.

Burnaby Centennial :
Not sure why it's died - suspect lack of summer watering and lack of food.

Sorry to report that the rhododendron Burnaby Centennial has taken itself off into the departure lounge. I bought it in error - wasn't wearing my spectacles, thought the name was Barnaby Centennial, liked the Midsomer Murders detective. It's never been happy. Oh well. R.I.P.