Garden visitors...

This morning two of my lovely singing friends visited (wearing sensible shoes) for a wee private garden tour and coffee at the patio table underneath the Wisteria. Beautiful! Of course, as we wandered around I saw much in the garden that needed tidying up. Patches of weeds, gnomes that had fallen over, paths that were blocked, tools abandoned, pots abandoned, and so on.

 A beautiful place to sit and relax.
House Patio in Spring

But this didn't worry me. Luckily I didn't come across any dog 'treasures' from next door's offal pit on my lawns. My friends were appreciative (and diplomatic). And they loved the Dogwoods. It's very affirming when lovely people not only take an interest but also see the beauty of it all.

So far this afternoon I've been weeding around the dog kennels, thinking about all those other places that need attention. But also thinking about the other things I enjoy doing - like playing my piano, and reading my Algebra book - and reminding myself that a balanced day is the best day.

Then I remind myself that I always feel good if I've done at least two good sessions in the garden. So I am back off outside.

 In the Dog-Path Garden, variety unknown.
Red Rhododendron

The plan...

The plan is to collect a bag of broken glass from the glass-house, then water the seedlings and sow Courgettes. And start dividing and repotting the Cannas (haven't a clue how to do this).

Two hours later...

Two hours later, and done. Reward - chocolate (oops). A shower, clean clothes. Clean socks! Yeay! Maybe a Youtube adventure (ooh goodie). Balance, balance, balance...


Oops. Forgot to mention the best rewards of all : the flowering deciduous Azaleas, and the big red rhododendron in the middle of the Dog-Path Garden. Gorgeous.

Tuesday 15th October

A Non-Gardening day today - lots of rain this morning, then visiting my family this afternoon. But I managed a quick garden wander with my camera and - oh joy! A huge Phormium (a species tenax), fat, wide, and ugly, two-thirds dead, is totally spoiling the look of the Stumpy Garden. See photograph below.

Phormium tenax

In here the shrubs are regenerating (after being squashed flat last year by tree felling). The striped hybrid Phormiums are filling out again, the rhododendrons are bigger and happier, and the ground cover irises (think they are called Iris confusa) are flowering and look gorgeous. Blast. This gross Phormium has to be dealt to. Slicing it down to its base will take me hours and hours. Days! Aargh! Not fair! OK. Take a deep breath. Should have done it years ago. And oops! Still haven't helped those gnomes who fell over. Will go and do that right now. I blame my dogs.