New Dawn Rose
New Dawn - you have been a disaster in my garden, and I feel dreadful - you are such a popular rose, with such strong rose-credentials.
New Dawn Rose Archway
I used to have a huge natural archway covered with two New Dawn roses, at the entrance to the house patio. They used to be absolutely beautiful in early summer - and later in their flowering season the petals would gently drift down like fat pink snowflakes.
Both New Dawns have been chopped down, and they are only allowed minimal growth each summer. Their pride of place on the house pergola has been taken by a bossy Wisteria. All because of the rose disease rust.

A Cluster of New Dawn Flowers
I'm quite saddened by their fate, as New Dawn was one of the first climbing roses I read about. I put it at the top of my list of purchases when I was a complete garden novice. All the books say that it's healthy. Hmm...

New Dawn Roses
It's now the summer of 2013, early December, and New Dawn is beautifully back! Such a pretty rose, especially when covered in raindrops. And hardly a speck of anything dodgy on the leaves - as yet!