Alberic Barbier Rose

Alberic Barbier Bud
In my earlier garden days I was impressed by roses climbing along country fences and up into country trees. So I planted a couple of Alberic Barbiers along the Driveway fence to do just this. Two of him! And then, like so many gardeners let loose in a large garden space, I wandered off somewhere else and forgot totally about him - or them.
Out of Control! Lazy!
It soon became obvious that the chaps were out of control, and lazy, too - preferring to spread all over the garden border and over the lawn. Their designated tree, a Golden Elm, stood there leafy but unadorned.
Ha! I didn't realise that training was required. So I pruned both, dragged the long floppy canes out of the grass, and tied them up into the tree. And then, again, I forgot about the Alberic Barbier brothers.

Young Alberic Barbier Rose
They slowly made their mark - a slow cyclist spiked while riding down the driveway, the lawnmower man likewise while ducking and diving near the fence-line. But they did enjoy growing up, up and away - so much better for their nature. And much easier to admire.
The two roses and the tree are a subtle trio, if I say so myself. The pale lemon flowers blend with the dull lime green of the Elm's leaves - they're easy to miss. But subtle is stylish, and this year they're really forming flower trusses, like the books say they should. Good lads!

Old Alberic Barbier Roses
Alberic Barbier's breeding explains its nature. It's a mix of rambler (R. wichuraiana) and yellow tea rose (Shirley Hibbard), bred by Barbier Freres and Compagnie in 1900 - that's over a hundred years ago. I'm inspired that roses survive the changing years, go in and out of fashion, but always hang on...