Garden Blogs - Two

Gardener Writing
There are now more garden blogs than weeds growing in the great global internet garden. Each week I meet more and more passionate, funny, hard-working gardeners who still find time to write about their days. Every day!
Somehow the best way to finish off a busy gardening day is to write about it! Blogs are brilliant, too, for recording lists and dates. And then there's the emotional side - gardeners, like the plants they grow, do have feelings...
Through blogs I've met better writers and better photographers than I'll ever be. This just inspires me to try harder - as long as we gardeners all keep on sharing, and growing, and making mistakes, and giggling...
Enjoy this, my second list, of great gardening blogs to visit.
Top Blogs
Daffodil Planter
- The best serious and funny garden blog in the world! No more words needed, just be sure to visit Daffodil Planter.
My Dutch Garden
- Thijs, a hobby gardener, writes from Holland about her garden, animals, insects in the garden, and scenic holidays. You'll enjoy the descriptions and beautiful photographs of the garden in different seasons. It's translated into English.
- This is a fascinating blog, featuring photos and stories about Karen's streetside garden. With better Seattle pictures than Google-Earth, and really inspiring writing - it's a must-click.
New Blogs - New For the Moosey Links, Anyway
Terrye's Blog
- A farm and gardens blog with a sprinkling of knitting and seasonal ridiculousness, from Terrye in Northern Michigan.
The Write Gardener
- TC writes from Northern Pennsylvania about life in and out of the garden. Groovy photographs - from ladybugs to power tools!
66 Square Feet
- Marie lives and gardens in a tiny apartment with a tiny terrace in New York. Her blog is great!
Tomato Casual
- What a groovy site, all about tomatoes! Thanks, Reggie, for all your tomato-zeal...
A Tidewater Gardener
- Beautiful photographs and great stories from an unapologetic geek - and that's a quote!
The Rustic Garden
- A 'blog cabin' (hee hee) in upstate New York, and the simple life - enjoy!
The Garden Pages
- Laura grows California natives, succulents and dry weather plants. Her blog is a goldmine of great information.
Common Weeder
- A real gardener's blog, with pictures of hard work and dandelions as well as the pretty things! A must read.